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Rashia and Chris leave Barbados behind to live out and proud

The couple took extreme measures, concealing their plans to escape from even their closest family members. It was only after the couple landed in Toronto that they informed their families about their escape.

Rashia and Chris leave Barbados behind to live out... Rashia and Chris leave Barbados behind to live out...

When Rashia and Chris started dating in Barbados, they decided to hide nothing. But their openness cost them: they received death threats and were physically attacked. After some time, they realized that if they wanted to be together and continue to live out and proud, they had to leave. The couple took extreme measures, concealing their plans to escape from even their closest family members. It was only after the couple landed in Toronto that they informed their families about their escape.

Now in Toronto, the couple has experienced the high of marching in the city’s Pride Parade with millions of people cheering them on and celebrating their love for each other. They are now engaged—something that would have been unimaginable if Rashia and Chris had stayed in their home country.