This report outlines the verification process for Human Rights Defender (HRD) cases by Rainbow Railroad intake caseworkers. This document describes how Rainbow Railroad’s vetting process aligns with the HRD stream’s definitions and criteria for referral. Requests for help received by Rainbow Railroad undergo thorough verification through civil document review, risk assessment and screening interviews to confirm identity and credibility. Cases move from an initial receipt of request for help or direct referral, to an email screening and evidence collection stage, to the interview and case summary stage with our Intake Casework Team. From this point applications that have been flagged as potential HRDs by the Intake Team, assigned to caseworkers. Caseworkers perform an indepth credibility assessment including conducting another interview, this one is specifically for HRDs, checking the case individual’s references, and working with the individual to complete their application. The application is then submitted for review to the Program Manager responsible for the HRD Stream and then final review goes through the Head of Programs before the case is submitted for consideration.
You can read more about the HRD verification process here and below.