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Sizwe Inkingi

Sizwe Inkingi

Sizwe Inkingi

Program Officer, Government-Assisted Refugees External Coordinator

Sizwe Inkingi came to Canada in 2010 from Zimbabwe as an International Student. Sizwe graduated with a Bachelors in Strategic Public Opinion and Policy Analysis from The School of Public Affairs and Policy Management at Carleton University. Over the past six years, Sizwe has worked as a full-time Bilingual Positive Spaces Coordinator for the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, she has worked to support a public education campaign to inform service providers and the public at large about the urgent need for positive spaces and programming for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual+ (LGBTQIA+) migrants and communities living in Ontario,Canada. Sizwe serves as a board member for the Dignity Network Canada (DNC) and has been an active participant in the DNC’s Community of Practice on international SOGIESC human rights work and is currently the Co-Chair of the Community of Practice . Sizwe is currently pursuing a masters in Design Thinking at OCAD-U. Sizwe joins Rainbow Railroads as the Program officer-Transit Engagement Officer and in her role is committed to bringing strategic foresight and innovation to help build durable solutions in countries of first asylum.